
More about me and myself

Hi I'm Andy

Coding is more than a profession—it's a passion. I specialize in Web Development, working predominantly with industry-leading tools like Nest.JS, Next.JS, Laravel/Lumen, and Go-lang to produce high-performance web applications that meet diverse business needs.

See more about my working experiences at my resume page.

Why have this blog?

Because sharing is learning

I believe noting down and sharing is the best way to learn! So I created this blog, where I keep things that I learned, find useful, and necessary to save for later.

More than just technical stuff, there are personal thoughts about work and life from the perspective of a Software Engineer.

It would be highly appreciated if I could read your comment or hear your thoughts on what I wrote

Tech stack

This blog is hosted on Vercel, built with Next.js (Preact for production) and Tailwind CSS using Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog.

A huge thanks to Timothy Lin for the minimal, lightweight, and super easy-to-customize blog starter.


All images in this blog are from Unsplash, imgur and GIPHY - Thanks for the free resources!